Bibliography - Business Journals

Coaching--a winning strategy
The British Journal of Administrative Management, (25), pages 22-23, 2001
Deane, R.

Hey, coach!
The Journal of Business Strategy, 22(2), pages 28-31, 2001
Greco, J.

How leaders foster self-managing team effectiveness: Design choices versus hands-on coaching
Organization Science, 12(5), pages 559-577, 2001
Wageman, R.

The coaching network: A program for individual and organizational development
Journal of Workplace Learning, 11(8), pages 291-297, 1999
Bowerman, J., & Collins, G.

Managerial coaching behaviors in learning organizations
Journal of Management Development, 18(9), pages 752-771, 1999
Ellinger, A. D., & Bostrom, R. P.

Behind closed doors: What really happens in executive coaching
Organizational Dynamics, 27(3), pages 39-53, 1999
Hall, D. T., Otazo, K. L., & Hollenbeck, G. P.

Coaching a leader: Leveraging change at the top
Journal of Management Development, Vol 17(2), pages 93-105, 1998
Giglio, L., Diamante, T., & Urba, J. M.

Discourse analysis of peer coaching in medical education: A case study.
Teaching & Learning in Medicine, 8(1), pages 41-47, 1996
Hekelman, F. P., Blase, J. R., & Bedinghaus, J.

Coaching on leadership
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 13(7), pages 15-18, 1992
Popper, M., & Lipshitz, R.

Enhancing staff members' performance through feedback and coaching
Journal of Management Development, 9(3), pages 20-27, 1990
Hillman, L. W., Schwandt, D. R., & Bartz, D. E.

Coaching and the art of management
Organizational Dynamics, 18(2), pages 16-32, 1989
Evered, R., & Selman, J.

The Manager's Role as Coach and Mentor
Organizational Dynamics, 15(4), pages 66-74, 1987
Orth, C. D., Wilkenson, H. E., & Benfari, R. C.

Coach the coach
Training & Development Journal, Vol 39(11), pages 54-55, 1985
Kelly, P. J.

Coaching: A tool for success
Training & Development Journal, Vol 37(9), pages 30-34, 1983
Tyson, L., & Birnbrauer, H.

Management Development Roles: Coach, Sponsor, and Mentor
Personnel Journal, 59(11), pages 918-921, 1980
Woodlands Group

Coaching and counseling: How you can improve the way it's done
Training & Development Journal, 31(11), pages 50-60, 1977
Buzzotta, V. R., Lefton, R. E., & Sherberg, M.

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